Yiannis Corovessis


Yiannis along with Takis, arround 1990, were the main responsible for the implimentation of the Ariadnet project at the National Academic and Research Center at Athens Greece.

Returning from USA summer 1991, I wanted to get my hands on an account that had access to Internet. Spiros Liolis introduced me to Yiannis and Takis and the last two were more than happy to provide me with a guest account at leon.nrcps.ariadne-t.gr and at isosun.ariadne-t.gr.

The greatest news were that there was already a five dialup line service at 1991, and I was able to access the Internet from home at the tremendous speed (for those days) of 9600 bps!

Yiannis and Takis were the first two pioneers that really opened the doors of Internet here at Athens, Greece to people outside the academic community and I am very greatful to them!